Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Backup Plan.

It's not so bad... right?

Ft. Dappa, Violetility, & More!

What happens when Thanksgiving dinner and a little too much Second Life mix? well... the term "Honey Burnt Ham" comes to mind! i suppose it's not so bad, it's just very well done, right?  A little char never hurt anyone, grab a plate and let's eat.. and if you're a terrible cook, make sure you've got a backup plan like this one in place, just in case!No one will notice, right? -Creep Dolly

maybe a little from the center!?
☽The paint on the canvas!☾

Head: CATWA HEAD Catya 
Ink: DAPPA - Belvoir V1 Tattoo. @L8 
Wig: Exile:: Mixed Messages
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass

Cottage: *Funky*Junk* Hydrangea Cottage
Taco Box: *Tentacio* Taco party
Table & CHinese Food: Violetility - Dinner Disaster Table @Tannenbaum
Burnt Ham: Violetility - Honeyburnt Ham @Tannenbaum
Beer: Junk Food - Sherona Beer
Palm Plant: hive // areca palm plant
Sofa: [Con.] Hendrix Sofa - Toned A
Chair: Violetility - Dinner Disaster Chair @Tannenbaum

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  ☽The paint on the canvas!☾ Cyber Tat: [AERTH] La selene Green EVOX @CyberPunk Fair by FFE   Skin: [LERONSO] JENEIL skin for Lelutka EVO X ...