Saturday, February 2, 2019

Thunder Buddies.

Best buds no matter what

Ft. Violetility, Revoul, The Bearded Guy, Tiller and more!

Tons of Saturday Sale items this post! what does any Savvy SL-er worth their salt do when they're low on lindens? Hit the weekday AND the weekend sales and i am no exception! this time around i've gone through both 50L friday and the Saturday Sale! Violetility was first with these absolutely adorable heart headphones just in time for Valentines Day, and guess what? They're not only just 50Ls for the day, they're at that price from today right on up to the 8th of the month so grab yours at the mainstore! I swung by Sintiklia for some lipstick to match, (they've got it in Omega and Genus btw) Iconic for a cute new wig, and you can't forget a new Teddy friend at the level event from Tiller. where would i be without my Thunder Buddy? grab those notecards, you won't be disappointed. See you at the next landing point! -Creep Dolly

☽The paint on the canvas!☾

Teddy: // tiller // Teddy Friend- Unicorn (Happy) @ LEVEL Event 
Head: CATWA HEAD Catya v3.2
Lipstick: Sintiklia. - Lipstick In love
Skin: Lefort by Revoul.Chanel Catwa Applier in RE10 @A+ 
Choker: MICHAN - Alyssa Choker
Eyes: Skittish - Loved eyes  -
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.06
headphones: Violetility - HeartPhones (50L for a limited time!)
Shadow: [MJN] GGShadow ~Jan2019~

BACKDROP Say No - Dismal Places Backdrops - The Bearded Guy @HME 

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  ☽The paint on the canvas!☾ Cyber Tat: [AERTH] La selene Green EVOX @CyberPunk Fair by FFE   Skin: [LERONSO] JENEIL skin for Lelutka EVO X ...