Saturday, April 27, 2019

Double Lives.

We're only as kinky as our secrets...

Ft. Spoiled & More!

So my loves... i like to know the "why" of things. .. i'm quirky like that. the stories behind stuff, how it came to be, the where, and when. no judgement you know? we all have our double lives in a sense, and i devote this picture to that. wearing the mask of one who is one way tot he general public, but something so very different on the other side of the coin. We do it for love, for passion, for pleasure. for so many things i think, and i think SL lends to that.. What's your double life, and why do you feel it's needed, tell me, what's your darkness?  This backpack which is adorbs btw, comes to us from none other than Spoiled! it happens to be at Equal10 Event, and you still have some time to run over there and snatch it up if you're so inclined.  all of the parts attached to the pack, cuffs, can etc are colorable via a cute hud, and it's part of an even larger set called the Bossy gamer(super hotness, go get et, nowwww!) - Creep Dolly.

☽The paint on the canvas!

Skirt: Bossie. daisy skirt - blush // 
Top: Bossie. daisy top - fatpack // #01 RARE
Wig: Doe: Nattie - Indecisive
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
Backpack: Spoiled - Bossy Gamer Backpack @Equal10 

Props & Poses: 
Pose: NamiiChu ~ tzuyu Bento poses
Backdrop: AMI:HAI - 99.9% School

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  ☽The paint on the canvas!☾ Cyber Tat: [AERTH] La selene Green EVOX @CyberPunk Fair by FFE   Skin: [LERONSO] JENEIL skin for Lelutka EVO X ...