Sunday, April 7, 2019


Often sought, and so rarely gained.

Ft. Dappa, Revoul, PUNCH & More!

White tattoos! Well, if you weren't aware, Dappa happens to have a Discord channel for bloggers, fans, and all the randoms of SL to show off their tattoos(real AND SL), make suggestions,and generally hang around. and i asked if there would be more white tattoos, and they made one! i'm actually terrified of owls, but i happen to love this tattoo in spite of the big ol' owl on the chest ^-^. it's new, and going to be at the AnyBody event coming up fairly soon! Get your sexy bodies down there and check out all the latest and greatest from your faves on the grid, PUNCH has brought us some new heart tears, and an absolutely insane amount of HUDS for them! everything from Rainbows to the classic metals, so you definitely want to add these to your collections, they're so delicate and adorable, you can pair them with just about anything.

I'm still under the weather, but as it turns out i honestly hate sitting around and doing nothing! (big shocker,lol) so i decided to go on with practicing my blogging and photo consistency. i've got a REALLY long way to go still, but i think i'm improving some, what do you guys think!?- Creep Dolly

☽The paint on the canvas!☾

pasties: *BE Designs* - Fitted Tassel Pasties
Anklets: .: LIKE DESIGN :. Highfeet Anklet V1 SLINK L
headpiece: Astralia - Holy ghost headpiece
Head: CATWA HEAD Catya v3.2
Eyes: CUREMORE / Allergic Eyes / 
Ink: DAPPA - Nocturnal Tattoo. @ anyBODY 
Wig: DOUX - Allison Hairstyle
Choker: iS Diamond Choker
Lashes: MICHAN - Azusa Weekday Lashes
Heart Tear: PUNCH / Heart Tear / CATWA Catya
Septum: PUNCH / Snowflake / Clip-On Septum {snow white}
Lipgloss: REVOUL - Glossed N' Bossed Collection /
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
Brows: {TN} Greely Brows Set //OMEGA//


Backdrop: Scarlet Creative Chaima Retreat
Pose: Marcelle 01 - PURPLE POSES

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  ☽The paint on the canvas!☾ Cyber Tat: [AERTH] La selene Green EVOX @CyberPunk Fair by FFE   Skin: [LERONSO] JENEIL skin for Lelutka EVO X ...