Sunday, February 9, 2020


frostbitten and frustrated...

Ft. Spirit, MJN, Egozy, Michan,

So this post is about little more than the fact that i'm always cold, and feeling like i might die lol. but in all seriousness.. i know those of you who pay attention, however few that may be must be like " another look AGAIN!?!?" Well.. yes of course!, it's one of my passions in Second Life. Coming up with different looks, styles, outfits, and such. I feel like that's kind of what SL is for isn't it? exploring in whatever way you want to use it to do so.. and i use it to explore art, friendships, even the world as there are many recreations of the RL monuments and beauty. What do you like to do or go inworld? let me know i love a good new place to explore! - Creep Dolly

☽The paint on the canvas!☾

Nose Ring: -SU!- Face Piercing Set 01
brows: -SU!- Sable Eyebrows 
Eyes: .euphoric ~Seduction Eyes  Applier ~[Catwa]Pack#02
Skin: Egozy.Lakshmi (Pale)GenusProject
Hairbase: F.Q. tracy lace (white) (comes with the Tracy hair)
Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0.1
Lashes: MICHAN - Marion Lashes [Genus]
Pants: SPIRIT - Chill pants- SPIRIT - Valentines pack 2020
Sweater: SPIRIT - Paola sweater - SPIRIT - Valentines pack 2020
Ears: Sweet Thing. Nahri Ears - 
Wig: Tableau Vivant \\ Mariposa hair - B+W
Lipstick: [MJN] Instant Plump @Unik

Windlight & Pose: 
Xanthe's Toasty
Imitation - Rebeka poses 

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  ☽The paint on the canvas!☾ Cyber Tat: [AERTH] La selene Green EVOX @CyberPunk Fair by FFE   Skin: [LERONSO] JENEIL skin for Lelutka EVO X ...