Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Don't Touch my hair.

Don't touch my crown.

Ft. MASC, Moonshine, Michan, Punch,

So this wasn't actually ever intended to be a blog post!. But due to the number of messages i have received asking which items i was wearing in the original photo and if i could please do a formal post with them itemized i did (it was about people of color being asked to cut/alter/"fix" our hair, and people randomly touching our hair as though we are objects) and at the time i happened to be listening to that song by Solange as well (Don't touch my hair) I understand that when i make these sort of statements, a lot of people don't understand or appreciate them and that is fine, because as the artist i DO. I also know the intention, story and deeper meanings behind them even if i wish people would find it in themselves too look closer at times. I hope this finds you well, happy Black History Month, beautiful souls - Creep Dolly

☽The paint on the canvas!☾

necklace: - shanghai - Acalia Gold Necklace
Earring: - shanghai - Sacre Earring Gold
jacket: -Pixicat- Cardigan - SatinBlack
Nose Ring: -SU!- Face Piercing Set 01
Eyes: .euphoric ~Secret Love Eyes Applier ~[Catwa]Soil#01
Nails: // L // - Square Bento Nails -
Lipstick: MASC By Jean Freedom - 36 VELVET MATTE NUDES for GENUS
Freckles: ::moonshine:: Moni Freckles A Tattoo Genus
Leggings: Blueberry - Poppy - Leggings -
Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001
Lashes: MICHAN - Rookie Witch Gacha - Witchy Lashes Fatpack [Genus]
Skin: Moccino Beaute - Genus Skin Applier - Duckie Chocolate
 Bindi: PUNCH / Trine
hands: Slink Hands - Dynamic -
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
Ears: Sweet Thing. Nahri Ears -
Wig: Unorthodox- Keith Flattop
Septum: ^^Swallow^^ Savannah Septumring
Pose: STUN Anim Pack Collection Bento 'Dara' #02
Windlight: Xanthe's Toasty

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  ☽The paint on the canvas!☾ Cyber Tat: [AERTH] La selene Green EVOX @CyberPunk Fair by FFE   Skin: [LERONSO] JENEIL skin for Lelutka EVO X ...