☽The paint on the canvas!
Nose Contour: +FATHER+ Sickly - Nose Contour - BOM
Frecks1: +FATHER+ Sickly - Freckles - BOM
Nose scar1: DuPoon BOM Scars - Nose Side
Nose scar2: TF: Brawler :: Scarred Nose Light Skins (BoM)
Lip cut: TF: Brawler :: Fresh Lip Light Skins (BoM)
Frown, upper face darkness: TF: Ilska :: Red/Frown - Dark (BoM) 50%
Dirt: Izzie's - Dirt & Mud medium
Bloody tears: {Loss} tears - bloody R .::Cubic Cherry::.
Frecks Smaller: .ARISE. Kawaii Freckles 1
nose highlight: Ladybird // Neisti - Nose Highlight
Scar3 nose: DuPoon BOM Scars - Nose Bridge
Eyebags: TF: I'm Fine :: Red - Light (BoM)
Skin: <Nar> Aela // GHOST // No Brows
Eyes: .euphoric ~Angela Eyes Applier ~[Catwa]
Bow: .Olive. the Big Plastic Bow - Black
Bear: .WINGED. Bloody Teddy (comes with bloody child outfit)
Glowing pupil implant: // JENOVA.PROJECT / SPARE PARTS / PUPILS / CHAOS-R-NORM-F. @The Warehouse Sale
Lashes: EVERMORE. [ honey - lashes ] - HUD.B @The Warehouse Sale
Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Strong Face GIFT001 - v1.7 - Mocap
Wig: KMH Hair F144 @The Warehouse Sale
Dress: [Aleutia] Julia Dress @Salem
Body: [BODY] Legacy (f) (1.2.1)
Ears: \-VALKYR-/ The Brigid Shard *Vol.2*
Backdrop: anxiety %sorrowland
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